Sales Blog : Search Engine


Product Sales & Customer Repeat in Business

How to Get Customers and Retain them

Now that you have established a Web Presence, it is time to tell everyone about it.  Further, let us see the ways and means to realise business through the traffic generated to the website.  Retaining customers for repeat business is the foundation for sustained Growth.

Online and Traditional

Promotion of the website through online mechanisms and traditional mechanisms is necessary for creating awareness.  Awareness is the cornerstone for building traffic to the web site.

E-Commerce Transaction

While promotional schemes can lead a suffer to the web site, they do not ensure that he takes the plunge to go ahead with an E-Commerce transaction.  He may want some reasons to trust the web site before clearing the threshold of the main transaction on the site.

Repeat Business

If everyone goes well with the first transaction, he may trust the site and be inclined to do more e-commerce transactions.  But there are competitors who too are good.  The loyalty of the customers needs to be built to ensure that the customer returns for repeat business.  Return visits mean more sales and a satisfied customer.

How to Get Customers and Retain them

Let us look at the three aspects of building traffic to a web site and converting it into business.

  • Promotion,
  • Building trust,
  • Building loyalty,

to get the right kind of people to visit the web site in the right quantity.  It is noteworthy that the profile of visitors is as important as their quantity.  You may not want more visitors than you can handle and you definitely do not want visitors whose profile does not match your customer profile.

Promotional Techniques

  • Online Promotion on the Web site,
  • Listing on Search Engines,
  • Banners,
  • Link Exchange Programme,
  • Affiliate Programme,
  • Referral Programme,
  • Directory Listing,
  • Traditional Methods of Promotion,
  • Promotional Strategies.